Soccer and It’s Lessons

I really enjoy baseball and soccer because they’re fun, entertaining, and they’ve taught me, and my family many lessons in life. I grew up playing these two sports and they will always be apart of my life now. These two sports are practically in my families blood now because of my sports-filled childhood. In my opinion, I believe that soccer is a better sport than baseball in many different area and  it has taught me many more lessons than baseball. It was one of the best decisions in my life to stop playing baseball and move to soccer.

Photo @2010 by Esporte Clube Pelotas [CC BY 2.0]

Photo @2010 by Esporte Clube Pelotas [CC BY 2.0]

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Quiet Time

The second hand on my watch ticks constantly and I am continually in motion. Here, there, this, that, most of the time. However, it wasn’t until Thursday of last week where I realized the importance of stopping. Of letting that watch run without eyeing its continued movement. Of relieving yourself of those ticks and having some quiet time.


Photo ©2011 by Callum Baker [CC BY-NC-SA 2.0]

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Sparking the Mind

Look at how much the world progressed. Back when the world was once ruled by dinosaurs and cavemen. Now look at us with our iPhone’s and all this new developed technology. We’ve progressed so much,but the question is how? Well I believe this is all in what we call our mind. The inventor. The spark to the possibility to new beginnings. The most helpful but yet most devastating. Our minds have so much potential that you start to question yourself…is there an end of what the mind is capable of?

Photo@2012 by Denise Krebs [CC-BY-2.0]

Photo@2012 by Denise Krebs [CC-BY-2.0]

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